Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It's been ten days

Time has passed so fast since the earthquake in Japan. My life hasn't changed a bit on the other hand millions of people are suffering. I did a little contribution and planned some charity in school, but nobody was saved by me. I feel nothing but sad and guilty.

As I say so, why would I not go on the busy street in the city and hold a little box and ask people "Please help Japan!" to collect money. Somehow I have this twisted feeling for that. I wish I didn't have, but I do.

I can't help noticing many groups which organized by Japanese in N.Y. has started a drive to raise funds.

Hasn't America sent enormous amount of money, foods and well trained rescue people to Japan already? Who paid for it? Everybody in U.S who is paying tax. How come I can ask them money again and again with having a saving account for myself?

For me, it's OK to have a charity event or something like that. Not only OK but also we really should. We should donate money that we earn or save to help our people. But I just can't beg only for money.

I might get yelled by people who are trying to fill their boxes. They might think I'm an egoist or a cold hearted unpatriotic person.

A few days ago, I've seen this Japanese lady who were on the seemingly slum street in Thailand to ask contribution on TV. To my surprise, many people gave her some change or bills! I was so moved their generous acts but wait, they don't even wear shoes!

Apart from the damaged area, people in Japan are still having affluent life comparing to those people. At least they have enough money to buy extra food and batteries to stock.

Thinking of people who are suffering pain and cold and fear in devastated area, it's natural to think "do something", but for most of people it's not that giving up their saving account. I don't think 3 % tax raise for the specific area will get unanimous agreement. I don't blame them because I'm the one of them.

That doesn't mean I can give up searching for things I can do. But for me it is not the holding a box.

It's time for us Japanese to face and fight our ego as much as we can.

Thank you very much for your contribution, America and the World! We might need some more help from you constantly but we are also finding the way out.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

earth quake in Japan

Magnitude 8.8. I'd never seen that number. It was just horrible.

I have most of my family member in the south of Japan fortunately they didn't get any impact. Some of my family and friends in Tokyo were shaken and had a blackout for a while but they are OK now.

It's such a pain to watch Tsunami sucking up whole village. A numerous number of people had to end their lives, lost loved ones and everything or started to suffer from physical and mental pain all of the sudden.

The worst part hasn't ended yet. We'll have endless problems to face from now on. We really have to believe and be brave.

So sad and helpless, all I can do is pray.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

food in a week

How much food do you eat in a week?

I happened to see the interesting study which compare the household's food consumption in a week. They took pictures of food the family members eat on their dining or kitchen table and showed the expenditure for them. Participant were very international from Americans to refugee camp people.

The biggest eater was German family. The parents and two teenage boys eat over $500, and I saw a lot of meat and bread and beer on the table.

The American family eats like $350 per week. There were big pizzas and the container of Mac Donald's and a lot of soda bottles.

Japanese family had rice, fish, soy products and Cup Noodles before them. Their dining table was a tiny low table nearby the TV which was on.

The family in Malaysia eats a lot of vegetables and rice. They spend about $100 for food but it was quite a big family.

They lowest expenditure was of course refugee camp family. They showed only two basketball size of sacks seemingly some kind of grain in them and some tiny pouches of spice or something. They costs less than $2. $2 in a week!

I felt sorry for those poor family, they must be starving. We in the developed country people must do something for all those people.

Meanwhile I was stunned how much difference the food can make for people. The fact is not so much from outside.

If you compare two people, one eats 150% all the time and the other eats 50%, they still shape like human beings. One may be little bit plump and the other may be skinny, but the plump one wouldn't grow extra arm or anything.

But inside, 150% eater grows excess fat in his blood vessel. There are much risk for 150% eater to die for his heart attack more than the one for 50% eater's death for luck of nutrition.

Why would we eat then? Less eating may save your life and save money. It's easy in theory but ....I know it's hard. It's like karma we have to suffer for too much waste and too much worldly pleasure.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I drove all the way down to Flushing, Queens to get an acupuncture treatment for my seasonal allergy.

Last year, I thought the doctor was a wizard made my symptom disappear immediately. I came in with watery eyes, itchy throat and runny nose, I was completely miserable. He put some needles on my back and forearms and the assistant connected every needles with a wire and plugged it in. My arms were jumpy every 3 second for 15 min treatment. I didn't know how they worked, maybe stimulate my immune system or blocking allergen, but it worked somehow.

Here I was. I'm well prepared to come here even before the allergy season started so unfortunately I wasn't able to experience the dramatic change like last year, but I know the preparation is always better than too late.

I may have to come back here every 4 weeks in the season, it doesn't bother me cause I know it's worth it. Hopefully I wouldn't have to WAIT 3 hours next time, agh....

China Town. I always lost my sense I'm in N.Y, or this IS N.Y various culture mix to gether in small area.

Monday, March 7, 2011

thoughts float

I went to this yoga place nearby my neighborhood today. Once in a while I take the class on Monday at 9:30am.

The class is Anusara level 2-3, bit challenging usually I love to play with new asana(posture) every time. For some reason the instructor didn't give us a lot, instead of that looong savasana(corps pose) and meditation today.

My thoughts was too distracted when I meditated, even I could make a list of my distractions.

1, What's for supper?
2, Oh-my, I'm running out of rice.
3, Should I drive to Japanese grocery store to get Japanese rice on my way home or should I use the Jasmin rice I had like for 2 years.
4, I've never thought of the expiration day of rice. The Jasmin rice could be all dried up or disgusting if I would eat.
5, Do I have clothes for Spring?
6, I should add some color to my wardrobe.
7, Should I stop by Lord and Taylor to get some new clothes?
8, Oh-no, I forgot the coupon.
9, Plus I dress so sloppy to go in the store today.
10, The tank top the teacher is wearing is showing you-know-where-part too much.
11, Can that distract male practitioner(or even female)?
12, Is it only me thinking such weird nobody cares thing?

My thoughts floated and floated, and worst part was I didn't even try to stop thinking! Everybody can meditate. Yes, I can, for 2 seconds!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

yoga day

The other day I went to the city to have a yoga lesson. The class was great that made my energy drained and at the same time fueled up.

After that I met up with my friend at this cool place next to the studio for healthy vegan lunch.

Spending time in my very limited free time like this really uplifts myself. I can do my chore cheerfully more than usual(or MUCH more than) when I have some plan for myself.

Usually I hate limit but I found that the limitation which include my household works, taking care of and driving around my kids and dog walking makes me feel more thankful for this 4hours.

a mouse

He is not our hamster. He is a mouse!!

First I'd noticed somebody nibbled a loaf of bread on the kitchen counter, correction not someone but I could tell I had a mouse in my kitchen immediately because I'd heard someone was telling horrible mouse invading story the other day. So it was like "OK, it's my turn" and that fact really freaked me out.

I went to this store to find mouse traps then I saw them when I just stepped in the store on my left side. It seemed like bestseller products now or all the time.

That made me feel much better because having a mouse in my kitchen could mean having a filthy place then that indicates I'm not a good housekeeper. Nobody want that reputation, right? But now I found I'm not the only one and it's OK to have a mouse in my kitchen unless I would ignore the fact which I'm not because I'm here for getting rid of it.

I bought this box which had a super sticky sheet in it.

I put it on my kitchen counter just in case with cookie crumb in the box even though it has yummy smell to lure a mouse already. Then my family and I went off to the dog park for 2 hours.

When we came back, we found him struggling to get out from the box.

We literally screamed when we found some creature in it. But wait...he was cute!! We expect a dusty gray evil red eyed mouse to trap not this watery eyed little fellow.

My husband (despite the fact he was cute I was not able to get close to him for some reason)freed him using vegetable oil to take him off from the sticky sheet. He put him in the plastic container (of course without touching, gosh he was so good at it) and we drove for a few miles to find a place to release the mouse safely for both of us.

I doubt that the place was safe for a vegetable oil dripping mouse but he sniffed on the ground and climbed up the tree trunk anyway.

I felt like kicked out my free loader forcefully and hope he is doing well without us.